
Finances, Marriage, Rethink Happy

The American Dream: Is the grass really greener?


What about Bob? Bob has a job paying him $12/hour, but he wants that new car, and another company offered him $15/hour. He moves, and six months later, he is offered a job with another company for $16/hour. He is so tempted to take it because he wants to appear to have grabbed The American

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Goals, Leadership, Marriage, Rethink Happy

The American Dream: Is the cake sugar-free?

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When is it too late to save your marriage or your business? There is almost always a way to save things. It’s about making a conscious effort and getting on the same page. The grace of forgiveness can take place. You may have to own up to your lack of priorities and eat some appropriate crow in

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Goals, Marriage, Rethink Happy

The American Dream and winning: Can you have both?

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What does winning have to do with The American Dream? The American Dream in the business world is about freedom and success, however you define it. The stereotypical version and the one many online “gurus”are selling is the do whatever you want and not have to work that hard but yet makes lots of money so you

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